Friday, November 27, 2009

Phil Villarreal's Top 100 Movies (Which are as misguided as you'd expect)

How Phil Villarreal somehow tricked the Arizona Daily Star into thinking his opinions on film are valid will forever be a perplexing thing. Movies that take a bit of work to enjoy are of no use to him, he defends insipid movies because of that fact, and sheepishly gives four star reviews to movies that critics with actual clout give four star ratings to because he doesn't want to seem like a dolt.

And now, I have come across the worst best (or best worst?) list ever, Phil Villarreal's favorite 100 movies ever. It's filled with movies that have no place on best of lists, movies that again Phil feels the need to like, and movies that are actually quite good that he raises to biblical proportions (just wait till you get to his top 10. There are certainly some good movies in there, but top 10 ever?).  You get the impression from reading the list that Phil only likes movies that came out from the time he started reviewing movies, and anything else before is again something that Phil feels the need to like, which I only base on his taste from more recent movies. Not only is the main list itself offensive, but Phil very cheekily put in some dumb lists on the sidebar with such condescending titles such as "Good Films with Bad Titles" and "Movies to Use as Sleeping Pills," to show how much better he is than you.

So, without further ado, Phil Villarreal's Favorite 100 Movies of all Time.

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